FedEx vs. UPS

Difference beteen FedEx and UPS
The orld, especially in arena of business, is very busy noadays. In the days before globalization, customers ould go to places just to close a transaction or render a service. But because of the increasing demand of productivity, it does not ork that ay anymore. Also, because of the soaring high prices and the economic crisis e are experiencing today, all panies are looking for ays to save money and to cut don on expenses. Federal Express (FedEx) and UPS are both logistics pany hich specializes in cargo and freight forarding. Shipping services sometimes plays a part in ansers to cost cutting problems of some panies ith regards to having their products delivered in different places and countries.
Company Policies
FedEx Corporation and UPS Corporation, both logistics panies, cater to people by making door to door deliveries locally and internationally. Both these panies have ground and air shipment types and both have various prices. With regards to employees and the forming of unions, FedEx stands its grounds for not alloing these groups by a certain labor code. UPS on the other hand allos their employees to form unions and this means employees of the latter have some advantage hen it es to salary increases, retirement benefits and other employee benefits that are enjoyed by other employees from other panies.
Shipping Options
Both FedEx and UPS have the same shipping options hich are done through air and by land. Hoever, hen it es to land transportation, UPS is leading due to the fact that the ground services offered by UPS are 5 times larger than that of FedEx. On the other hand, hen it es to shipment via air, FedEx is the leader. Statistics have shon that FedEx gets 25% more air shipments than UPS does. When it es to rates, both of these panies vary in prices by just a dollar or a fe. Some of the services they offer have the same rates as ell. But just recently, both these panies have adjusted their pricing scheme due to increasing fuel prices.
FedEx has sloly gained in petition ith UPS in terms of revenue. In a year, FedEx averages about $22 billion in sales hile UPS averages $30 billion a year. Sometimes you just have to face the fact that a pany’s success is best measured by its results of operations. When it es to the selling rates of their shares in the stock market, UPS is still number one ith their stocks valued at $82 billion, hile FedEx trails by a large margin selling only $22 billion dollars in stocks.
Both FedEx and UPS panies are logistics providers hich can deliver your goods from anyhere around the orld to your desired destination ithin 24 hours.
Both FedEx and UPS have the same services offered hich are categorized to air and land shipments. FedEx being the number one in air freight forarding and the UPS being number one on the ground because of its large netork.
Prices are basically the same for both FedEx and UPS. And both of them, due to the economic crisis and high soaring prices of primary goods, they have both increased the rates of their services.
From: reparison beta
